Detecting Logic States
Digital electronics have just two logic states, on or off. The on and off states are represented with a “1” for on and a “0” for off when coding a language the computer will understand. This code is called Binary Language.
Controlling Logic States
Digital I/O stands for Digital Input and Output. Digital Inputs allow a microcontroller to detect logic states, and Digital Outputs allow a microcontroller to output logic states. Simply put, data input values trigger some type of output response usually in the form of an action or procedure. The ability to control how that action/process is switched on and off is the key to most manufacturing processes worldwide.
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Smart Devices
Smart Devices are electronic devices that operate autonomously or interact with other devices through wireless networks such as Bluetooth, WiFi, 5G, etc. These devices can make home appliances more convenient and interconnected, such as doorbells, customizable lights, voice-activated speakers, thermostats and even refrigerators.
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