Digital I/O

Digital I/O

Digital I/O Detecting Logic States Digital electronics have just two logic states, on or off. The on and off states are represented with a “1” for on and a “0” for off when coding a language the computer will understand. This code is called Binary Language. Download...
Digital I/O


Binary Binary / Base 10 / Hexidecimal The binary and hexadecimal number systems are used to represent data within digital computer systems. Download Bits / Bytes / MB Bits are binary digits that are either a 0 or a 1 which can be put in groups such as 8 bits called a...
Digital I/O

Analog Input / Sensors

Analog Input / Sensors Measuring Voltage Analog input sensors are devices that measure physical quantities, such as temperature, pressure, light or sound, and convert them into an electrical signal that can be read and processed by a computer or microcontroller. One...
Digital I/O


Coding Machine Code vs. Machine Learning With Machine Code (MC) the programmer creates fixed responses to the environment with maybe some random variation, however with Machine Learning (ML) the programmer creates a system that can improve its responses to the...

Teacher Resources

Various career awareness opportunities are made available to you and your school including:

  • classroom presentations about NPPD careers or specific careers if a subject matter expert is available;
  • attending your school's career fair;
  • coordinating student tours of NPPD facilities; and
  • making career materials available to you

Additional Resources

If you would like more information on any of the opportunities we have to offer, contact Careers Outreach Specialist Kim Liebig.

Career Interest Assessment

With fun, interactive tools and informational resources, Nebraska Career Connections will help you learn about the careers you may be interested in, plan for education, and prepare for career success. Build a career around your unique interests and skills.

5–6th Graders: Explore the six career fields to discover the world of work.

7–8th Graders: Learn about the 16 Career Clusters, start a Personal Learning Plan, and find out your options after high school.

9–12th Graders: Research your career pathway options more in depth and start making college, financial aid, and scholarship decisions.

Postsecondary Students: Make sure you are on track with your plans. And don't forget to create a resume, practice interviewing skills, and look for job opportunities in Nebraska.

To log on to Nebraska Career Connections to take the Assessment you will need to contact your school counselor for a batch code.


Measurement & Conversion

Algebra Applications

Visualizing Math

Trigonometry Applications

Statistics & Probability

Math on the Job

Quadratic Formula

Tools of the Trade


Precision Ag / Instrumentation for Ag

Electrical Systems Integration for Ag Machinery

Internet of Farm Things

Innovations in Ag


Power, Structure, & Technical Systems

Engineering Properties of Ag Materials

Ag Logistics

Tools of the Trade

Innovation / Entrepreneurship

Intellectual Property

Accounting Basis

Process of Innovation

Traits of Success

Business Operations / Business Model


Iteration / Failure Mindset

Round-A-Bout Economy

Maker's Mentality

Tools of the Trade

Public Power

Human Performance

Generation Strategies & Management



Domestic Energy & Research


Public Power

Sustainable Energy

Transmission & Distribution

System Controls


AC Circuit Analysis / Electrical Switches

Measuring / Modeling / Standards

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